5 Tips for Your First Trip to Mexico

Ready for that brand new passport stamp? Mexico is easily one of my favorite countries to visit! From seeing historical sites, to lounging at a resort, to exploring the towns in search of the best street food, this stunning country has it. 

To ease the nerves of a new place, here are my Top Five Tips for Your First Trip here. 

Don't Fear Street Food

Carne Asada, Elote, Coconuts, and more. oh my god. Don’t miss out. 

PRO TIP: Get your coconut machete’d open after finishing the water! They will add tajin, hot sauce, and lime. 

Wear Sunscreen

The sun is NO Joke here. You are closer to the equator, and I do not care if you “never burn”. Apply and keep applying. 

Please enjoy this photo of me hiding from the sun after a week in Cabo. Your girl was BURNT. 

Don't Skip Landmarks/Historical Sites

You are in a beautiful and culturally rich country! Really take time to learn, grow, and expose yourself to new cultures and ways of life. Be deeply respectful. Stay curious. Learn something new.

It is a big world. Get out in it!

Mind The Water

The water is not purified like Americans are used too. To make it simple; DO NOT DRINK IT. Here is a list of things you should not do regarding the water in Mexico. 

  • Do not brush your teeth in it. Use bottled water.
  • Do not open your mouth in the shower.
  • Do not drink anything with ice in it. 

Bottled water only. 

Respect The Local Customs

Mexicans are warm and welcoming people, and understanding and respecting their customs is essential. Greet locals with a friendly “Hola” and use “por favor” (please) and “gracias” (thank you) in your interactions. 

Always stay open to learning from locals, and have fun being somewhere new!

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